Consideriamo l'energia elettrica fornita al sistema. Nel periodo di avviamento dell'impianto che cautelativamente poniamo dalle ore 10.30 alle ore 12.30, il Gruppo Elettrogeno di potenza nominale 350KW (fonte Daniele Passerini) ha fornito 360KWh (fonte Mats Lewan) a cui si aggiungono 66KWh (fonte il Report) impiegati nel periodo di auto-sostentamento (5 ore e 30 minuti) per alimentare i sistemi ausiliari (pompe, ventilatori, ecc.), cioè un totale di 426KWh.
Si ottiene una stima
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Schema a blocchi dell'impianto da 1 MW |
Report - Pagina 1 |
Report - Pagina 2 |
Report - Pagina 3 |
Mats Lewan: This is how the test was done
According to the report the plant consisted of 107 modules. Ny Teknik, however, counted 52 modules inside the container, and 64 additional modules mounted on the container roof – a total of 116.
Two pumps supplied the modules with cooling water which was heated to boiling and the steam was led out to four large fan-cooled heat dissipators. The water was then returned to the pumps through a water tank.
The customer’s controller, Domenico Fioravanti, measured the temperature of the steam at the outlet outside the container and the inlet water temperature. Andrea Rossi measured in addition to this temperature of a large number of the modules.
According to the controller Fioravanti, power from the genset was switched on to the heating resistors in the modules around 10.30, with an initial power of 120 kW, which was gradually increased to 180 kW.
At 12.30 began self sustained mode, which means that the power to the resistors which are used to "ignite" the process was shut down. The plant then ran without any energy input other than the fans and the pumps for five and a half hours.
The total energy released between 12:30 and 18:00 was calculated from the amount of water heated and evaporated. The water flow was measured with two water meters, and according to the controller’s report the energy amounted to a total of 2635 kWh.
Subtracting the energy for pumps and fans, amounting to 66 kWh, this equals a net energy of 2569 kWh, which corresponds to an average power of 467 kW.
Subtracting the energy supplied during startup, about 320 kWh at an average power of 160 kW, the net energy would still be 2249 kWh. In this case the energy output during startup should also be estimated and added.
According to measurements of radiation made by David Bianchini from the University of Bologna no radiation above background level was registered.