- Andrea RossiFebruary 20th, 2012 at 4:47 PMDear Franco Morici:1- 2 hours2- yesWarm Regards,A.R.Franco MoriciFebruary 20th, 2012 at 3:42 AMDear Ing. Rossi,If possible, I would ask You a couple of technical things on E-Cat.The first question, how long is the max self-sustained period in which the E-Cat can run continuosly without to affect the system stability.The second, considering the case of COP of 6, if E-Cat power output can be modulated by means of an external control loop.Thanks for the info. Good work.Kind RegardsAndrea RossiFebruary 18th, 2012 at 2:07 PMDear Franco Morici:Good question. The distinction is between laboratory tests and industrial/domestic products. In lab tests I can take risks, while when we sell products they must be intrinsecally and integrally safe. This is why the yield is different: a good example can be the performance difference between a Chevrolet Montecarlo for normal use in highways and the same for NASCAR racing.Warm Regards,A.R.Franco MoriciFebruary 18th, 2012 at 7:19 AMDear Ing. Rossi,If possible I would like to understand if the higher E-Cat energy gain, recorded for long time and written on Your tecnical paper “A new energy source from nuclear fusion”, were for an different E-Cat design.You garantee COP of 6 times only, and my question now is why an high COP can’t be restored.Thank You.Kind RegardsJoseph FineFebruary 16th, 2012 at 10:16 PM2 kg*cm^-2 is about 196,133 Pascals or 28 PSI (More or less). Atmospheric pressure is 101,000 Pascals. That is not high pressure, about the same as an under filled automobile tire.JosephAndrea RossiFebruary 16th, 2012 at 4:22 AMDear Charlie Sutherland,the maximum T and P we can get right now from a module containing 3 reactors is:T < 200° CP < 2 kg x cm^-2As I said, we are working strongly, also with our Customer, to raise these data.Warm Regards,A.R.Charlie SutherlandFebruary 15th, 2012 at 4:07 PMDear Mr. Rossi,If you can tell me, without revealing too much, the estimated steam pressures and temperatures available from a single 3 reactor 30kw unit under varying power settings (if there is more than just one setting), I could figure out what can be done with it.Many thanks,Charlie SutherlandAndrea RossiFebruary 22nd, 2012 at 6:35 AMDear Franco Morici,Thank you for your suggestion, very interesting.Warm Regards,A.R.Franco MoriciFebruary 22nd, 2012 at 3:14 AMDear Mr. Rossi,usually I write (and perhaps disturbing) to ask You technical info, but in this case I would submit a little thinking about the possible slightest increase in COP of the system E-Cat.From the information You kindly provided, I understand that the Self-Sustained mode can be maintained without compromising the stability of the system for about 2 hours and that the COP operation is fix to 6.I wondered then if it made sense to organize a group of E-Cat (say six, 5kW each) in a sort of cluster that covers 24 hours operating in which a rotating each element can operate in Self-Sustained mode for 2 hours and than again (after 10 hours operation in normal mode to recover its full stability) to complete 24h period.Given a starting COP of 6 and completed the start-up of all, in this configuration performing the calculations we get:-a typical system clusters 5kW * 6 = 30kW (thermal power)-each element to operate need for any 5000W / COP6 = 833.3W (electrical power)-but overall consuming only 833.3 * 5 = 4166.5Wsince only 5 of 6 reactors active are absorbing electricity at same time.If we determine the new system COP we get:30kW / 4166.5W = 7.2I understand this is only a very small improvement (+20%) but an improvement at all, that perhaps that does not jeopardize the system stability.The improvement is paid for with a more complex management system.Forgive me if often I contact You for the discussions that might seem minor.Thank You for your attention.
Avere a disposizione energia pulita (ed in quantità sufficiente) è uno dei presupposti fondamentali affinché sia possibile in futuro la sopravvivenza dell'uomo su questo nostro pianeta.
"Il progressivo sviluppo dell'uomo dipende dalle invenzioni. Esse sono il risultato più importante delle facoltà creative del cervello umano.
Lo scopo ultimo di queste facoltà è il dominio della mente sul mondo materiale, il conseguimento delle possibilità di incanalare le forze della natura così da soddisfare le esigenze umane."
Nikola Tesla (Никола Тесла: Smiljan, 10 Luglio 1856 – New York, 7 Gennaio 1943)
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